Our sustainable investment in the future

At a time when climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing our society, more and more are looking for environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions to reduce their ecological footprint.

As an environmentally conscious company, it has long been our goal to reduce our ecological footprint and actively contribute to the fight against climate change.

Independent installation of the solar system

After thorough research and realizing that a solar system is a sustainable investment, we installed a solar system back in 2019.

This year, we decided to upgrade our existing solar system ourselves and connect a battery storage system. It was a challenging task, but quite doable with the right planning and preparation.

  1. research and preparation: the first step was to do extensive research to develop a solid understanding of solar energy, photovoltaic panels, and the installation process.
  2. Selection of components: When selecting components, we wanted to ensure that we were purchasing high quality and efficient products.
  3. purchase and preparation: after all the components were purchased, we started to prepare the area.
  4. assembly and installation: The assembly and installation of the solar system proved to be a challenging but extremely team-building task. Step by step and hand in hand, we installed the mounting structures and securely fastened the solar panels. Correct wiring and connection of the inverter required special care.
  5. commissioning and first successes: After all components were successfully installed, it was time for commissioning.
  6. integration of the battery: A battery storage system allows us to store excess electricity generated during sunny hours. In this way, we can use the stored energy when the sun is not shining.
  7. monitoring and maintenance: the control and monitoring of the solar system is an important aspect to ensure its performance. With the help of monitoring software, we can track the energy yield in real time and detect possible problems at an early stage.
Sustainable solar plant PF IT Consult GmbH

Sustainable solar plant PF IT Consult GmbH

Installing our own solar system was definitely a challenging journey, but it was worth it. With perseverance, commitment and thorough planning, we can now cover a large part of our energy needs.

At this point, a big thank you to all helpers for their valuable support and great cooperation!!!

Sustainability on the move: Electric bikes and cars

When it comes to sustainability and environmental protection, we go one step further. In addition to using electric cargo bikes, we have added an electric car to our fleet. With this environmentally friendly combination, we are sending a strong signal for sustainable mobility and taking responsibility for our environment and future generations.

Electric cargo bikes for urban logistics: Our electric cargo bikes are the key to efficient and sustainable logistics in urban areas. With their maneuverability and emission-free locomotion, they are perfect for transport in narrow streets and busy city centers. Thanks to their large load capacity, we can also handle larger deliveries of goods in an environmentally friendly manner and continue to offer our customers a customer-oriented service.

Switching to electric bikes not only offers environmental benefits, but also has a positive effect on the well-being of our employees. Regular physical exercise on a bicycle promotes health and increases motivation at work. By promoting an environmentally friendly corporate culture, we create awareness of sustainability and set an example for other companies in our industry.

Lastenrad PF IT Consult GmbH

In total, we have already covered more than 13,000 km. This is roughly equivalent to the distance Berlin – Sydney.

Electric car for interregional trips: For longer distances and interregional deliveries, we rely on our new electric car. Electric cars offer a greater range and enable us to reach customers in more distant regions without having to rely on environmentally harmful combustion engines. This allows us to further reduce our environmental footprint and cover our deliveries over a wider geographical area.

A holistic approach: The simultaneous use of electric cargo bikes and electric cars enables us to provide a holistic solution for our operational mobility. By combining both means of transport, we can optimally adapt our journeys to individual requirements and thus ensure flexible and environmentally friendly logistics.

Rain barrels complement our sustainable approach

Using rain barrels is a simple and effective way to collect and use rainwater. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but it is also economical, allowing us to conserve valuable drinking water while watering green spaces and plants.

The combination of solar panels, electric bikes and rain barrels demonstrates a holistic and environmentally friendly approach to everyday life. We use available resources efficiently while minimizing our environmental footprint.

We believe that our move not only benefits our company, but also has a positive impact on the community and the environment.

Our journey towards greater sustainability is far from complete, and we will continue to look for new ways to optimize our processes and minimize our environmental impact.